To become a Tasker, you'll need to follow these steps:
- Download the Tasker App. Keep in mind - the Tasker app is different from the Taskrabbit app Clients use to book tasks.
Once you've done the above, open your newly downloaded Tasker app to:
- Create an account through the app. If you already have an account, you can log in with it instead.
- Set your skills, location, and verify your info. The app will walk you through this process.
- Add at least one available slot.
- Draw your Work Area Map.
Once you have completed the above steps, Taskrabbit will verify your profile. It should take a maximum of 2 working days before you receive the confirmation email "Action required: Taskrabbit identity verification"
Click on the green button in the above email:
- You'll be sent to our partner site to verify your identity.
- If you're on iOS, be sure to open the link with Safari.
- If you're using a computer, please make sure it's equipped with a camera.
- Take a photo of your ID and a selfie.
- Once everything is good to go, you'll receive an email informing you of the last step.
Please note: Registration is in-app only and can’t be completed on the Taskrabbit website.