Team Tasks During COVID-19

If you've been invited to a team task, and would like to know who your buddy is, please reach out to our support team.

As you prepare for your IKEA team task you should discuss the following items with your buddy and client.

  • Please confirm that no one (the client, yourself, or your buddy) is experiencing symptoms of COVID or shielding. If so, the person experiencing symptoms should forfeit the task.
  • Any safety precautions that you would like the buddy to take (e.g. wear gloves or other PPE).
  • Also, make sure to organise with your  buddy how the task can be completed whilst maintaining the guidelines laid out by the government

As always, if either the Tasker or the client feel unsafe during your task, you should cancel and contact Customer Support.

For more information visit the Taskrabbit’s website to read more

Feel free to share any alternate contact info you want to use to communicate with each other!

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