Damages Occurred During My Task - How Do I Submit a Claim?

If there were damages associated with your recent task, we're here to help.

Fill out our Claims form here, and a Support Team member will assist. You can expect a reply within five business days.

Be sure to provide as much detail as possible. It will help to provide the following information: 

  • Account Holder Name (First and Last)
  • Email address associated with the Taskrabbit account used to book the task
  • Tasker Name (i.e. John D.)
  • Task Title (i.e. Plumbing)
  • Task Date
  • A written description of what went wrong during or after your task
  • Photos of any damages (from various angles where relevant)

Once the form is submitted, we will work with you and your Tasker to gather any additional information needed to make a decision regarding your Claim.

Please note: Claims must be submitted within thirty (30) days of the task. Claims submitted after thirty (30) days are not eligible for our Happiness Pledge.


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