Warning: Phishing Activity

To help you stay secure and avoid becoming a target of fraud, we want to give you details on what to watch out for.  

Beware of:

  • Phishing links asking you to reset your password or asking for your email or phone number.  A phishing link is an email or other communication that appears to come from Taskrabbit but wasn't sent from an official Taskrabbit URL address (ending in @Taskrabbit.com, @Taskrabbit.ca, or @Taskrabbit.co.uk).  
  • SMS messages that aren’t coming from official Taskrabbit accounts.
  • Anyone contacting you via phone saying they are a Taskrabbit employee or user unless you initiated the inquiry.
  • Emails that aren't coming from Taskrabbit official URL addresses (Malicious users will often use an email very similar with only one letter or dot changed to try and trick you.)

If you believe your account may be compromised, we recommend you:

  • Change the password for both your Taskrabbit account and your email address.
  • Make sure your bank account information is correct by going to the Account section of the website and clicking "Bank Account."

For more tips on identifying phishing scams, see these articles:


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