TaskRabbit Trademark Guidelines

Last updated: April 18, 2019

The following guidelines are required to be followed in connection with any use of TaskRabbit’s design mark, trademarks and service marks, logo(s), taglines or other brand indicia (the “Marks”) licensed by TaskRabbit, Inc. to any party (herein referred to as “you”).

  • You may use only the specific Mark(s) provided to you by TaskRabbit, in the form and substance provided, and only for the specific purpose(s) authorized in writing by TaskRabbit. To secure authorization in writing, Partner shall submit the details of the proposed use and activity related to the Marks, with respect to each proposed use, to TaskRabbit. Submission may be via email to trademarks@taskrabbit.com.
    If the proposed use is disapproved, TaskRabbit will provide an explanation for any disapproval; provided, however, that approval or disapproval shall be in TaskRabbit’s sole and reasonable discretion.
  • Each Mark must appear with reasonable space around it so as to be clearly separable from any other visual, graphic or textual element. Marks may not appear on any background that interferes with the readability or display of the Marks.
  • You may not use any Mark to disparage TaskRabbit, its users or services, or in any manner that, in TaskRabbit’s sole discretion, may tend to diminish, tarnish or otherwise damage TaskRabbit, its parents or affiliates, or its goodwill in the Mark.
  • Unless otherwise excused by TaskRabbit in writing, all materials or media on which any Marks appear, whether printed or digital, must include the following legible trademark notice: “TaskRabbit and the TaskRabbit logo are trademarks of TaskRabbit, Inc. Used under license.” Do not use trademark symbols (such as the ™ or ®) on products that will be distributed outside the United States. Only use the trademark credit notice written above.
  • You acknowledge and agree that TaskRabbit is the exclusive owner of the Marks and all rights to the Marks, and that all goodwill generated through your use of the Marks will inure solely to the benefit of TaskRabbit. You will not take any action that conflicts with TaskRabbit’s ownership of, or rights in, the Marks.
  • You acknowledge and agree that your use of the Marks does not create a sense of endorsement, sponsorship or false association with TaskRabbit. Nor does such use create or connote an employment relationship with TaskRabbit.
  • You may not manufacture, sell or give away merchandise items, such as T-shirts or mugs, bearing the Mark in a manner that would imply TaskRabbit’s affiliation with or endorsement, sponsorship, employment, or support of a third party product or service without TaskRabbit’s express written consent.
  • TaskRabbit reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify any Marks or these Guidelines at any time. Modified versions of any Marks or these Guidelines will apply upon publication on the TaskRabbit website or app(s).
  • TaskRabbit reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to rescind the license at any time; in such event, you will cease and desist from use of the Marks promptly.

You can download a zip file with TaskRabbit logos here, to be used strictly in accordance with the logo guidelines herein.

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