Sole Trader

When providing services via the Taskrabbit platform, you do so as an independent contractor — usually as a "sole trader". 

What’s a sole trader?

A sole trader is an individual in the UK who runs his/her own business and is self-employed. As a sole trader, you’re responsible for the payment of any employment taxes due on the money you earn via the Taskrabbit platform. 

How do I set up my business as a sole trader?

There aren’t any steps required to set up as a sole trader. It’s sufficient that you (1) are an independent contractor, and (2) are responsible for your own taxes (including employment taxes). 

Sole traders do need to be registered with HM Revenue and Customs to obtain self-assessment tax status and file annual tax returns. Self-assessment registration can be completed with a simple form online, at no cost.  Further details regarding the requirements of acting as a sole trader can be found here.

What’s a business entity?

Alternatively, you may have a business entity (such as a partnership, limited liability partnership or limited company) set up in the UK in order to deliver services via Taskrabbit's platform. 

What does it mean to be a sole trader or other business entity?

As a UK sole trader or other business entity using the Taskrabbit platform, you are not an employee of either Taskrabbit or any Client to whom you provide services via the platform. Neither Taskrabbit nor any clients you provide services to will make any deductions from payments due to you in order to pay any income tax or National Insurance Contributions that may be due on the money you earn. All tax payments associated with your business are your sole responsibility.  

There is no minimum obligation on you providing services via Taskrabbit's platform, nor are you guaranteed a minimum number of tasks.  There’s no restriction on you carrying out other work or services for anyone else while using the Taskrabbit platform.

Please note, this support center article is informational only and does not constitute legal or tax advice. You are fully responsible for your own business. Please check the rules and laws regarding operating your business in your locality.

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