To achieve Elite status, you must meet all the following criteria:
Eligibility criteria for the London metro:
- Invoice at least 10 tasks per month
- Having invoiced a minimum of 200 tasks
Place within the top 15% of Taskers for invitations to invoices ratio in your metro-category pair (the new Performance Score Ranking)
- Avoiding any violations of our Terms of Service
Eligibility criteria for all other metros:
- Invoice at least 10 tasks per month
- Having invoiced a minimum of 50 tasks in a category and 200 tasks since joining the platform
Place within the top 15% of Taskers for invitations to invoices ratio in your metro-category pair (the new Performance Score Ranking)
- Avoiding any violations of our Terms of Service
Violations of our Terms of Service and Tasker Best Practices within the past 90 days may disqualify you from the Elite program.
Please note, the eligibility criteria are within a Tasker’s ability to control, so there is no need to dispute an Elite status! Now Taskers can focus on what they do best: providing outstanding service to their Clients.