What Are the Perks of Elite Status?

 Elite Status comes with the following perks:

  • Onsi: we've partnered with Onsi to provide you with the following free insurance coverage:

    • On-shift Accident & Injury protection - getting you paid when you’re injured
    • On-shift Accidental Death protection - compensation in case of accidental death 
    • On-shift Disability protection - compensation in the case of permanent injury
    • Family payment - Maternity and paternity payment for the self-employed
    • Compassionate payment - Compassionate payment upon the loss of an immediate family member
    • Read more about the free insurance coverage here
  • *subject to terms & conditions and eligibility criteria
  • Elite Tasker Discord Group Membership: Click here to request to be added for the month. A Community Manager from HQ will be in the group to answer any questions.
  • Elite Badge: Your profile will have an Elite badge in Client search results.
  • 1x1 Phone Calls with the Community Team: Elite Taskers can sign up for one-on-one calls through this link.
  • Additional Feedback Opportunities: As a member of the Elite program, our Product, Operations, or Marketing team may email you to ask for your opinion on new features or to set up in-person feedback sessions. 

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