How Do I Write an Effective Quick Pitch?

Your quick pitch is what Clients see when they’re selecting a Tasker, and can be added per category. It’s their first impression of you, and a good quick pitch can help to promote your business and show off your skills.

An effective quick pitch:

  • Showcases your experience in a particular skill. (e.g: How long have you been doing work that falls under that category? Do you have any certifications?)
  • Lets Clients know what tools you have available. (e.g: Do you have a car for delivery tasks? What about a vacuum for Cleaning tasks?)
  • Explain why you would be the best choice for their task. (e.g: How would you go above and beyond for this kind of task?)
  • Lets Clients know of any limitations you have in a particular category. (e.g: Are you only able to help with small deliveries?)

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