The Taskrabbit Expense Policy

We strive to provide a safe platform for all of our users. To promote integrity, professionalism, quality, and transparency, we have outlined the following policy concerning expenses on the platform.

This policy applies to both Taskers and Clients. Please note that the requirements and examples below are not exhaustive and are subject to change.

The Taskrabbit Platform enables Clients to reimburse Taskers for up to $100 for certain expenses incurred during the performance of Tasks, with the exception of Trash and Furniture Removal dump fees, which may be expensed up to $150.

In order to efficiently and transparently enable expense reimbursements: 

  • Taskers and Clients must agree to all eligible expenses in the chat thread.
  • Taskers must upload a receipt for all eligible expenses to the chat thread.
  • The expense must be related to completing the task. 
  • Expenses must ONLY be for items purchased to complete the Task, and those items must remain at the task site, with the exception of dump fees
    • This means that expenses like parking, gas, tolls, stairs, vehicle usage, tool usage, vehicle maintenance, are not permitted. 
  • Expenses are not available for any tasks from Taskrabbit partners, including IKEA.
  • See the Invoicing policy for guidance on how to charge for Tasker assistants. 

Clients may choose to pre-pay for anticipated costs ahead of time. Pre-payment can look like: 

  • Clients purchasing items online and having a Tasker pick up and deliver them. 
  • Clients calling the store ahead of time and paying for items over the phone. 

Paying for supplies ahead of time and then clearly communicating expectations with your Tasker will help make sure your task is successful every time.

This policy is intended to clarify expectations outlined in the Taskrabbit Global Terms of Service. Please note that Terms of Service violations can result in account limitations, including account suspension and/or deactivation.

Taskrabbit reserves the right to modify or update this policy at any time.

Date of Policy: March 31, 2025
Effective Date: March 31, 2025

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