Taskrabbit Platform Acceptable Use Policy

Last updated: November 30, 2023 


This Taskrabbit Platform Acceptable Use Policy (this “AUP”) forms a part of Taskrabbit’s Global Terms of Service (the “Terms”).  Capitalized terms used, but not defined, in this AUP will have the definitions as set out in the Terms.  This AUP establishes additional conditions that apply to your use of the Platform.  Users must comply with this AUP in their use of the Platform.  

  1. Without limitation, you may not use the Platform, and you may not permit any third party, to:
    • Defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten, intimidate, misrepresent, mislead or otherwise violate the rights (such as, but not limited to, rights of privacy, confidentiality, reputation, and publicity) of others, including Users and/or Taskrabbit staff;
    • Publish, post, upload, distribute, or disseminate any content, information, files that contain software or other materials that infringe upon or violate the intellectual property rights or rights of privacy or publicity of Taskrabbit or any other User or third party, or which are profane, defamatory, obscene or unlawful;
    • Upload files or scripts that may or are designed to damage, copy, lockout or take control of the Platform or any User’s computer, such as Trojan horses, corrupt files, SQL injections, worms, timebombs, cancelbots or any other files or software;
    • Advertise or offer to sell any goods or services for any commercial purpose that are not relevant to the Task services;
    • Post or complete a Task requiring a User to (1) purchase or obtain gift cards or money orders, (2) purchase high value items (over $300 / 300£ / 300€, as applicable in your country) without obtaining pre-authorization from Taskrabbit, (3) travel into different countries during the performance of a Task, (4) provide ridesharing or other peer to peer transportation services, (5) post ratings or reviews on any third party website in breach of such third party website’s terms of use, or (6) otherwise engage in activity that is illegal or deemed to be dangerous, harmful or otherwise inappropriate by Taskrabbit in its sole discretion;
    • Conduct or forward surveys, contests, pyramid schemes, or chain letters; or
    • Impersonate another person or User or allow any other person or entity to use another User’s profile to post or view comments (except as may be expressly permitted in the Terms under Section 2(E)(ii) for Client Agents).


  1. Additionally, you may not, and you may not permit any third party to:
    • Use the Platform or use or perform the Task services in violation of the Agreement (including this AUP);
    • Use the Platform or use or perform the Task services in any manner or for any purpose (1) other than as expressly set out in the Agreement (including, but not limited to, any journalistic, academic, investigative or unlawful purpose), (2) that is unauthorized or illegal (including, but not limited to, posting or performing a Task in violation of local, state, provincial, national, or international law), (3) that is false or misleading (whether directly or by omission or failure to update information), or (4) to access or obtain Taskrabbit’s trade secret information (or attempt to do so);
    • Post or upload any content to the Platform (1) that is offensive and/or harmful (including, but not limited to, content that advocates, endorses, condones or promotes racism, bigotry, hatred or physical harm of any kind against any individual or group of individuals, or that exploits people in an abusive, violative or sexual manner), or (2) for which you have not obtained the necessary rights and permissions;
    • Post the same Task repeatedly (“spamming”);
    • Download any file posted by another User that you know, or reasonably should know, cannot be legally distributed through the Platform;
    • Restrict or inhibit any other User from using and enjoying the Public Areas;
    • Imply or state that any statements you make (whether on or off the Taskrabbit Platform) are endorsed by Taskrabbit, without the prior written consent of Taskrabbit;
    • Use a robot, spider, manual, meta tag, “hidden text,” agent, script, and/or automatic processes or devices to data-mine, data-crawl, scrape, collect, mine, republish, redistribute, transmit, sell, license, download, manage or index the Taskrabbit Platform, or the electronic addresses or personal information of others, in any manner;
    • Frame or utilize framing techniques to enclose all or any portion of the Platform;
    • Hack or interfere with the Platform, its servers or any connected networks;
    • Adapt, alter, license, sublicense or translate the Platform for your own personal or commercial use;
    • Remove, alter, or misuse, visually or otherwise, any copyrights, trademarks or proprietary marks or rights owned by Taskrabbit and Affiliates;
    • Solicit for any other business, website or service, or otherwise contact Users for employment, contracting or any purpose , not permitted by the Agreement;
    • Collect usernames, email addresses, or other personal information of Users by electronic or other means;
    • Attempt to circumvent the payments system, PSP or service charge or Trust & Support fee in any way (including, but not limited to, making or processing payments for Tasks outside of the Platform, providing inaccurate information on invoices, or otherwise invoicing in a fraudulent manner);
    • Register (1) under different usernames, identities or false identities (including after your account has been suspended or terminated), (2) under multiple usernames or false identities, or (3) using inaccurate information (including using a false or disposable email or phone number);
    • Use tools with the goal of masking your IP address (like the TOR network);
    • Copy, download, use, redesign, reconfigure, or retransmit anything from the Taskrabbit Platform without Taskrabbit’s express prior written consent, and/or if applicable, the consent of the holder of the rights to the User Generated Content;
    • Use any artificial intelligence technologies to create or generate a Platform account, or to impersonate another person or User; or
    • Submit any part of the Platform (including, without limitation, any Taskrabbit information) into any artificial intelligence technologies.

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