How Do I Receive My 1099-K Form?

Eligible Taskers who earned over $5,000 in 2024, will receive an email from Stripe by mid-January 2025. Emails from Taskrabbit will be sent out in phases to Taskers starting in December 2024.

The subject line is “Get your Taskrabbit, Inc.  2024 tax forms faster by enabling e-delivery”.

Starting in November 2024: Stripe will email you instructions on how to set up a Stripe Express account. You’ll need to create an account to access and download your 1099 tax form. 

We strongly suggest opting into paperless delivery (i.e., agree to receive your 1099-K tax form electronically via Stripe Express) to ensure you receive your 1099 quickly. You will need an account to download your 1099-K tax form.

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More information about where you can find your 1099-K Form on Stripe can be found here.

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